I got inspired to write my first article about my last Erasmus+ project and also to do it in English.

So, two weeks ago I was part of an awesome Erasmus+ project named “WeRadio” that took place in Serres, Greece. At this project took part people from different EU countries like: Portugal, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania, Greece and Romania. During nine days of this Training Course we’ve learned a lot of information about a web radio, about hardware, software and server management workshop (how to install mixer, cables, microphone and all the equipment we need),public speaking workshop (how to speak in front of a microphone, radio timing and sharing responsibilities inside of a web radio station), we have learned about jingles and how to create them and, also we’ve created content together and we have been broadcasting for a full day.

It was very interesting, hard, but at the same time we had a lot of fun. All the participants were involved in activities and shared their experiences, that made us to learn from each other.
Also this project was about human being, we’ve played games in order to know better each other, to discover ourselves and to be open for challenges. After some days we became like a big family. A happy one! 🙂

All these things happened because of our host Youthfully Yours GR and of course, the organization that I represent GEYC (Group of the European Youth for Change)that I am so grateful for it.
Also I want to thank to Vicenzo, Ivan, Apostolis, Dani, Emanuel, Cristina, Angeliki, Michalis, Anny, Giota, Kiki, Salvadore, Mario, Giovani, Ricardo, Thomas, Eva, Timotej, Samuel, João, Bernardo, Rita, Antonio, Jogaila, Monika, Danas, Rapolas for all the memories we have together. See you soon.

P.S. Thanks for this fantastic video Dani!!!